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At Lavendon School we endeavour to deliver a curriculum to our pupils that is both inspiring and ambitious.  Our Dimensions curriculum teaches many geographical aspects through thematic units. The geographical skills and knowledge taught build upon the children’s prior learning, ensuring that there is clear progression of skills throughout both key stages. Included in our Dimensions curriculum are standalone geography topics to ensure all aspects of the National Curriculum are covered throughout the school. We aim to deliver high-quality lessons in geography, using a wealth of practical and online resources.

We understand that children are naturally curious about the world in which they live, geography helps children make sense of the world around us, better understand the places we live in, learn about and visit, why they matter and how they are connected to a globalised world. Through geography, we encounter different societies and cultures and learn to appreciate the incredible diversity of landscapes and people.  In geography, we face questions of what it means to live sustainably in an interdependent world and learn to value and care for the planet and all its inhabitants.

Through our curriculum coverage the children will learn about their community, the wider world and its key human and physical features. We will take our learning outdoors in many cases and engage in fieldwork lessons, using our school grounds and local area as a basis for many investigations. Our curriculum is intended to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills to understand our ever-changing planet and aspire to responsibly contribute to its nurture and development in a sustainable way.