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Computing is very important to us at Lavendon. We have a wide range of equipment to teach high quality computing lessons weekly from year 1 to year 6. At Lavendondon our aim is for our pupils to become digitally literate using various forms of technology across the curriculum. We want our pupils to be able to apply their computing skills across to mathematics, science and design and technology. We want them to understand new digital systems and advance their computational thinking skills. We aim for our children to be equipped for the future work place in a world of technology.

At Lavendon we use the NCCE Teach Computing scheme of work and each unit will have at least one lesson linked with our Dimensions theme topic. We chose to use the NCCE scheme of work as it is developed by experts, grounded in latest research and stays up to date with current programs and CPD development. We have chosen to take the material from NCCE and manipulate it to suit our Dimension curriculum.

How we will achieve an outstanding Computing Curriculum

  • We will give children opportunities to use technology throughout the Early Years, KS1 and KS2.
  • We will provide them with high quality equipment enabling them to develop computational skills in a variety of contexts through use of laptops and Ipads.
  • We will use interactive smart boards to engage and motivate pupils to use technology in various ways
  • We will provide children opportunities to use the web and editing tools (Microsoft, J2E and Google Tools) to develop computational skills for their future.
  • We will continue to seek out the most up to date technologies and apps to engage our children and move their learning forward.
  • We will use technology across the curriculum to apply their skills in a variety of contexts.
  • We will use high quality learning packages to guide teachers’ pedagogy and teach high quality computing skills.
  • We will provide our children with high quality e-safety education across all year groups so they are equipped to explore technology independently, safely and knowing who to talk to if concerned.

We will use a growth-mind set approach to continue to challenge our pupils to achieve their best

Online Safety

As part of the NCCE scheme of work online safety is integrated into many units throughout the year groups. It also covers many elements of the Education for a Connected World framework. Online safety is also taught as part of PSHE lessons. We keep our parents informed regularly about new risks with online safety by publishing online safety leaflets to parents on our Facebook page. weekly.


In Lavendon school we provide the best opportunities for our children to become digitally literate. At Lavendon children have access to:

  • Bee bot programmable robots 
  • one to one iPad devices
  • Programmable physical computing micro bits
  • Programmable physical computing crumbles 
  • Opportunities to be creative on both laptops and Ipads using styluses